This page belongs to sec, a tired university student in their twenties who likes animanga and has done so for a pretty long time now. I have a varied array of hobbies, but most of them are of the nerdy variant: electronic music, motion graphics, books, the small web and internet archives, sketching and joseimuke games.
Enstars is the central subject of this twitter page, and i consider myself a multishipper with a pretty wide array of tastes. My top oshis at the moment is Nazuna, Shu and Tomoya and you'll likely see me mostly talking about them. I like exvalk, valk, ra*bits, ex-fine and drama club a abnormal amount.
My absolute enstars ships are Shu/Nazuna and Wataru/Tomoya, they're very near and dear to my heart and if you dislike them openly, it's very likely i will block you to avoid seeing hate. Other ships i like are; Shu/Nazu/Mika, Eichi/Tsumugi, Wataru/Tomoya/Hokuto, Eichi/Tomoya/Wataru and Midori/Chiaki.
This twitter page contains upsetting material. I tweet, retweet and interact with fictional taboo content.
This includes the following: (strictly fictional) incest, age gap, suggestive underage, and toxic or abusive relationship dynamics. Please keep in mind that i no longer engage in if and whats about why, if it repulses you block me and move on.